This dip has only 3 ingredients, but tastes much more complicated. Try experimenting with all the yummy cheese blends available now. Serve with tortilla...
If you're a fan of "everything but the bagel" seasoning, you'll love this low-carb dip made with only 4 ingredients. Bagel seasoning can be found at most...
A wonderful salsa that uses chipotle and ancho. It adds depth to the overall flavor without overpowering the salsa, making it the perfect snacking salsa...
This salsa is so easy to throw together on days when you already have the smoker going. Tweak it to your preferred heat level by leaving some or all of...
The best fondue ever; made with beer and three kinds of cheese! Enjoy this recipe as a snack or a meal! Great for parties or great to trick your kids into...
Reduced calorie dip that's packed with flavor. Let the dip chill while the chips are being prepared. The consistency will be thicker and the beans will...
A refreshingly sweet and tangy blend. Especially good when cooked on the grill and served with a mild fish such as tilapia. If you are grilling fish, the...
This is a traditional Lebanese garlic dipping sauce. Not for the faint of heart! Keeps for weeks in the fridge. Serve at room temperature with Lebanese...
At every family gathering, I am asked to make this dish. It's so yummy, it's always the first thing to go. Serve dip with chips or spread onto tortillas....
This salsa is so easy to make and versatile too. Add what you like, leave out what you don't like. It should taste as fresh as summer! Great with fish,...
I have taken the liberty of doubling this recipe because I have yet to meet a single person who didn't rave about the taste, eat too much of it, and then...
This is a green salsa I learned while in Mexico. It is a green salsa with avocado and it is delicious! I always make it when we do carne asada. I am always...
This is a cream cheese dip with a spicy kick. I make a green salsa using tomatillos in the summer, but good tomatillos are hard to find in the winter so...
This is the fruit dip that Farmer Jack puts in with your fruit tray when you order it in the deli. Its creamy and delicious and i always have to make an...
No need to travel all the way to France to make this simple dip! It's so easy and so creamy, you'll want to make it every night. Serve with your favorite...
Old recipe from French-Canadian Memere (Grandma). Delicious and spicy pork spread for sandwiches. Pronounced 'gah-ton'. Enjoy on a sandwich with mustard...
My sister-in-law made this for a holiday, and it was a quick solution for me to use at a party the following night. It is a quick and easy appetizer, and...
This is a simple, fast, and easy holiday cheese ball recipe. It will remind you of your childhood if you are of a vintage age. If you loved the taste of...
I came up with this dip when I was in the mood for Buffalo chicken dip, but didn't have the necessary ingredients. It is a creamy cheesy dip with a nice...
This is a recipe I tried at my aunt's house. It's easy and tasty. Simply dip the bagel pieces into the dip! A six-pack of refrigerated soft bagels will...
A flavorful guacamole that's easy to adjust to your heat or taste preferences. A little untraditional to make, but won't stay around long. Great with fresh...
I realize making this pate may seem like quite a production, but if you enjoy charcuterie, this would make for a very fun, beautiful, and quite delicious...
This is a delicious, easy, and creamy corn dip. You can adjust the spicy level according to the type of tomatoes with green chile peppers you buy. Serve...
Prep, cook, and serve this delicious Buffalo chicken dip in 1 bowl - your slow cooker! Cook the chicken breasts, shred with a hand mixer, then add the...
This delicious Mexican salsa (Salsa martajada de tomate verde) is made with fresh tomatillos, chiles de arbol, and garlic. Everything is chargrilled till...
The flavor of Old Bay® seasoning goes well with the tuna and cream cheese combination for an easy-to-make spread. Serve with crackers, chips, or veggie...
Fresh peaches with creamy avocado, bell pepper, onions, and jalapeno make a great summertime salsa. Use as a topper for grilled fish or chicken, or just...
I wanted something easy and fitting for an autumn gathering. I found this recipe and altered it to make it even easier to make. It is a nice combination...
A hot tasty dip that is sure to please everyone. Artichoke hearts and roasted red peppers add a pleasant zing to this mild crowd pleaser that's perfect...
This was given to me by my grandma over 20 years ago. It's quick, easy and delicious! It's my most requested item to bring to any gathering! You WILL be...
This dish is a great appetizer to bring to any family event or holiday party. This yummy dip leaves your taste buds jumping for joy and your friends begging...